Build Together

A community for the builders, inventors and leaders of tomorrow.

Our mission is to identify the most talented young people in Ireland and accelerate their journey to becoming the builders, inventors and leaders of tomorrow. We build programmes and communities that raise the ambitions of young people, increase their confidence in pursuing those ambitions, and create more opportunities for them to succeed.

Sound interesting? Join our mailing list to receive updates on our programmes, community and events.

Conor Casey, 18

“Growing up in rural Kerry, I’ve never really had anyone to talk to about the things I’m interested in, like genetics and AI. But during Patch, I met so many amazing people and I didn’t feel alone anymore. It meant the world to me.”

Conor Casey, 18 | Patch 2020

Our programmes

Our programmes are designed to connect young people with inspiring mentors and like-minded peers, broaden their perspective, and raise their ambitions.

Summer Programme

Seven weeks to work on an impactful project or business idea, meet like-minded peers, and learn from world-class mentors.


Access up to €1,000 in funding for early-stage projects and products. Unlock progress in areas where setup costs can be prohibitive.


Gain exposure to the pace and ambition of the SF startup scene. Shadow local founders and connect with leaders at scaleups and VCs.

“Patch exists to give curious, ambitious young people a space and community where they can realise their potential”

Tom McCarthy | Founder, Patch


Supported by exceptional leaders

Brilliant mentors share their experience and advice with Patch teams.

Co-Founder and COO at Kinzen, previously Facebook. Journalist turned entrepreneur.

Áine Kerr

Founder of Kinzen

CEO & Co-Founder of FoodCloud, a non-profit that has rescued over 100m meals to date.

Iseult Ward

Founder of FoodCloud


James Whelton

Founder of CoderDojo

Patrick Walsh

Founder of Dogpatch Labs

Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer at Intercom, valued at over $1.6B.

Des Traynor

Founder of Intercom

Celine Halioua.jpg

Celine Halioua

Founder of Loyal

Nicola McClafferty

Partner at Molten Ventures, Founder

Serial founder, now CEO of Manna. Scaled Cartrawler to $650m valuation.

Bobby Healy

Founder & CEO of Manna

Our Partners

Thanks to generous partner support, we are able to cover programme and community costs for all participants. We also offer stipends to make our programmes accessible to candidates who could otherwise not participate due to lost wages, family care commitments, or other financial circumstances.

With special thanks to Brian Kingham, Mark Cummins, Joe Liemandt, Rob Granieri and Craig Falls.
